Posted: October 28th, 2015 | Author: Domingo | Filed under: Artificial Intelligence | Tags: Baroni, Bernardi, Chomsky, Erik T. Mueller, Georgetown-IBM experiment, IBM Watson, natural language processing, NLP, Zamparelli | Comments Off on Once upon a Time in 1954…
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt
(The limits of my language are the limits of my world)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
… In a cold day of January it took place in Washington DC the Georgetown-IBM experiment, the first and most influential demonstration of automatic translation performed throughout the history. Developed jointly by the University of Georgetown and IBM, the experiment implied the automatic translation of more than 60 sentences from Russian into English. The sentences were chosen precisely; there was no syntactic analysis, which could manage to identify the sentence structure. The approach was mainly lexicographic, based on dictionaries in which a certain word had a link to some particular rules.
That episode was a success. Story has it that the level of euphoria amongst the researchers was such that it was stated that within three or five years the problem of the automatic translation would be solved… That was more than 60 years ago and the language problem –the comprehension and generation of messages by the machine- is still pending. Probably this is the last frontier which separates the human intelligence from the artificial intelligence.
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Posted: October 27th, 2015 | Author: Domingo | Filed under: Artificial Intelligence | Tags: Baroni, Bernardi, Chomsky, Erik T. Mueller, Experimento Georgetown-IBM, natural language processing, Natural Language Processing with ThoughtTreasure, NLP, PLN, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, Zamparelli | Comments Off on Érase una vez en 1954…
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt
(Los límites de mi lenguaje son los límites de mi mundo)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus
… En un frío día de enero tenía lugar en Washington D.C. el experimento Georgetown-IBM, la primera y más influyente demostración de traducción automatizada de la historia. Desarrollado conjuntamente por la Universidad de Georgetown e IBM, el experimento implicaba la traducción automatizada de más de 60 oraciones del ruso al inglés. Las oraciones se escogieron de manera precisa; no había ningún análisis sintáctico que pudiera llegar a detectar la estructura de la oración. El enfoque fue eminentemente lexicográfico, basado en diccionarios en los que una palabra determinada tenía una conexión con unas reglas específicas.
Aquello fue un éxito y, cuenta la historia que, tal fue la euforia entre los investigadores, que se llegó a afirmar que en un plazo de entre tres y cinco años el problema de la traducción automatizada quedaría resuelto… Eso fue hace algo más de 60 años y el problema del lenguaje, de la comprensión y generación de mensajes por parte de una máquina, aún está sin resolver. Probablemente es la última barrera que separa a la inteligencia humana de la inteligencia artificial.
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Posted: November 7th, 2014 | Author: Domingo | Filed under: Artificial Intelligence, Conferences | Tags: 2014 IATA World People Symposium, AI, artificial intelligence, computational semantic, IATA, Innovation, John Naisbitt, knowledge map, learning & development, natural language processing, ontology, Taiger, test of Turing | Comments Off on Artificial Intelligence: a Catalyst in the Innovation of Learning and Development
Last November 6th I had the chance of participating as speaker in the World People Symposium in Prague, a yearly event organized by IATA, the aim of which is to gather HR heads from several firms and organizations in the aviation industry to share best practices and become acquainted with the last trends regarding HR policies. I was invited as Taiger Marketing & Communications VP, in the workshop Innovation in Learning & Development, to explain how artificial intelligence translates source materials into personalized emotionally intelligent training.
Once again I would like to thank Jane Hoskisson and John Boggs from IATA for having given me the chance of exposing our futuristic approach regarding learning and training.
Here there is a summary of my speech:
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