Entrevista realizada el pasado día 4 de marzo de 2015 en el programa Primera hora de Jaume Segalés para hablar sobre el libro La verdadera historia de Twitter de Nick Bilton, finalista de los premios Know Square 2014.
Approximately for the past three years I have been following what Daniel Lacalle has been publishing in the digital newspaper elconfidencial.com, and I must admit the information he has been sharing and his opinions have been, from my humble standpoint, ones of the most accurate that I have ever read regarding the energy industry.
Therefore, when I was presented with this book The Energy World Is Flat: Opportunities from the End of the Peak Oil, I presumed I was going to learn a good bunch of new ideas about the current global energy scenario; and I was not mistaken.
Hace unos días me decía un buen amigo: “Bueno, y si la sociedad islámica en torno al año 1.000 era mucho más avanzada intelectualmente que la sociedad cristiana escolástica; si los pensadores que destacaban en aquel momento eran árabes tales como el filósofo y matemático cordobés Averroes, o el médico Avicena… ¿qué ocurrió para que todo aquello se viniera abajo? ¿Por qué el islam parece que se quedó anclado en aquellos lejanos tiempos medievales?”
Mi contestación fue directamente remitirle a lo expuesto por Hans Küng en su excepcional libro El Islam:
Some months ago I forwarded a good friend of mine this video about the Chinese ghost cities. Upon reading the book The Energy World is Flat: Opportunities from the End of Peak Oil by Daniel Lacalle, I found the following:
Last November 6th I had the chance of participating as speaker in the World People Symposium in Prague, a yearly event organized by IATA, the aim of which is to gather HR heads from several firms and organizations in the aviation industry to share best practices and become acquainted with the last trends regarding HR policies. I was invited as Taiger Marketing & Communications VP, in the workshop Innovation in Learning & Development, to explain how artificial intelligence translates source materials into personalized emotionally intelligent training.
Once again I would like to thank Jane Hoskisson and John Boggs from IATA for having given me the chance of exposing our futuristic approach regarding learning and training.