De cerca, nadie es normal

Towards the Realm of Experience

Posted: November 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Business Strategy | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Towards the Realm of Experience

It could have been the typical conversation at odds between an iPhone fan and a Samsung tifossi but this time there was something which caught my attention. My two friends were defending the advantages of their corresponding smartphones and trying to convince the counterpart about the pre-eminence of one company over the other one:

“Esthetically iPhone -and Apple by extension- will always be much more developed than Samsung”.

“Ok. But, you know what, technically the top Samsung smartphone is much better and powerful than the top iPhone, even regarding the screen resolution”.

“Nonetheless, and you have to admit that, having a iPhone is an unique experience; something Samsung will never be able to improve or even replicate”.

And here lights switched on and some past readings came to my mind… Experience, that’s the question.

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El aprendizaje social

Posted: July 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Book Summaries, Internet | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on El aprendizaje social

Hace unos días terminé de leer The New Social Learning. A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media de Tony Bingham y Marcia Conner.

Es un libro ameno de leer en el que los autores abordan el impacto que los medios sociales pueden tener en el ámbito de la formación y, a fin de explicar y defender sus puntos de vista, exponen casos de organizaciones que están haciendo un uso intensivo de las herramientas de medios sociales para fomentar el aprendizaje entre sus miembros.

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